Tuesday 8 March 2016

Support Pack Implementation

1.  Read the complete NOTE
2.  Identify current pack level and components
3.  Update the SPAM to latest one
                        JAVA – JSPM
                        JAVA – SDM for older version of java
        SDM cannot be used to update support pack stack and it support till WAS400
        JSPM can update support pack stack and it is used in WAS700

4.  Download the support pack from service market place.
5.  Copy the files to usr/sap/trans/temp
6.  Uncar the files using the command sapcar –xvf filename
7.  After uncar files will be copied to path
For ABAP - Usr/sap/trans/eps/in
For JAVA – usr/sap/SID/devbmgs/j2ee/jspm
8.  Login to client 000 with DDIC permission
10. Execute the command SPAM
11. Support pack – Load from front end
12. Display/Define
13. Select patch – Import
14. Conform once it is completed.

Phases of Support Pack
1.  Preparation mode
2.  Import 1 module
3.  Import 2 module
4.  Cleanup module

Note: After support pack level 20 in ECC we use EHP1. To update EHP1 min we need support pack level should be 14.

Important Interview questions for Support Pack :

1.  Which table will be updated when support pack is applied
PAT01 and PAT03

2.  How to check support status or error while applying support pack?
Go to SPAM
Go to Action log – Import log

3.  What is the path to check the errors?
Usr/sap/SID/trans/log – Mainly slogs
    Check the OS log in work directory
               Dev_W01, Dev_W02, Dev_Disp, Dev_RD
Details Description of SPAU & SPDD :

SPDD is used to identify dictionary objects 
SPAU (repository objects), will identify any objects where the hot package is overwriting changes you have made through OSS notes. 
All the objects which are modified, after tansporting to the current system, will be listed in SPAU and SPDD. SPDD contains the list of all modified Data Dictionary objects, like tables, dataelements, domains,view...etc. The rest of all the modified repository objects will be listed in SPAU. 
What happens to the modifications done in the older version when we upgrade the version? (with Modification assistant and w/o)
After the initial upgrade happens, we have to do adjustments from SPAU/SPDD to maintain or reset the changes. That is, from the list of objects in SPAU/SPDD, you have to either carry forward the changes to the new version, by choosing the option ADOPT CHANGES (available on right click) or RESET TO ORIGINAL (available on right click).

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